What Is a Juicy Lucy?
A Juicy Lucy is a tasty hamburger packed with molten, bubbly, waterfalling cheese. That is it. A hamburger packed with cheese.
If you're Minnesotan birthed and increased, you FOR SURE have consumed enough Juicy Lucys to have pattaya188 a viewpoint on all fronts: what type of cheese should be used, should they be barbequed or frying pan deep-fried, and which dive bar does it best.
I am, conveniently, from Minnesota! And I have viewpoints:
What type of cheese? Straight up American. YOU NEED A SMOOTH MELT. Yes, you can use sliced cheddar or pepperjack in a squeeze (or toss some jalapeños in with your American for a crossbreed). A great deal of individuals also prefer to use blue cheese, which makes it a Blucy. But the significance of a Juicy Lucy, in my opinion, is a velvety, smooth-melt, almost-liquid-like facility of cheese. This isn't the moment for Mozzarella cheese draws, alright?
Barbequed or frying pan deep-fried? We do both in our house. Simply depends on the day.
Which dive bar does it best? I vote for The Nook. It is in our little community corner of St. Paul and the dingy ambiance is everything a great dive bar should be. Plus, bowling lane in the cellar. Seriously.
Juicy Lucy Ingredients
Beef, flavors, American cheese. And some great brioche buns.
But, Such as, How Do You Stuff It with Cheese?
It is no percent hard.
Make one smallerish patty, and one largerish patty.
Put the little hunks of cheese on the largerish one.
Put the smallerish one on top, and squeeze up the sides.
What Do You Put On a Juicy Lucy However?
Whatever the hell you want.
I prefer a simple Juicy Lucy:
Juicy Lucy (the beef and melty cheese part)
pickled jalapeño
sometimes tomato
constantly ketchup
perhaps mayo
and often cattle ranch because, yes, I truly am that Minnesotan.